Infection Control Consulting Services

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Infection Prevention Tip: Performing Skin Prep Technique Correctly

A recent surge in requests from clients to review possible and documented surgical site infections (SSIs) associated with orthopedic cases that also saw several cultures growing skin-contaminant organisms prompted ICCS to provide this tip.

The ICCS team of infection prevention consultants noted several inconsistencies when observing surgical cases, including failure to prep correctly from incision to periphery. It is important that all staff members, including nurses, surgical techs and surgeons, understand and follow specific instructions as well as general guidance on appropriate prep technique. Companies that manufacture skip prep products provide specific instructions for proper technique. These are available in various forms — including online videos — for use to educate and orient staff to the proper technique.

ICCS suggests contacting manufacturers and requesting an onsite demonstration. This is a great opportunity for live staff education and a refresher for all.

Have a question concerning SSIs and surgical prep? Contact ICCS!

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