ICCS Infection Prevention & Control Newsletter: July 2022

This issue covers some of the most significant news from July. Topics include antimicrobial-resistant infections, infection preventionist health, monkeypox, gowns, and linen.

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Drug-Resistant Infections and Deaths Among Hospital Patients Grew Amid Covid-19 Pandemic — A special report released by the CDC found that more than 29,400 people died from antimicrobial-resistant infections in 2020. The full number is likely much higher.

Infection Preventionists' Mental, Physical Health Suffered in Pandemic — A survey revealed that high percentages of IPs reported that COVID-19–related stressors worsened their mental and physical health.

WHO Declares Monkeypox Outbreak a Public Health Emergency — The World Health Organization declared the monkeypox outbreak that has spread around the world a public health emergency.

Widely Used Hospital Gowns Show Signs of Exposing Workers to Infection — A study found that isolation gowns commonly worn in medical units or ICUs ripped too easily and allowed about 4-14 times expected amount of liquid to seep through when sprayed or splashed, leaving healthcare workers with a greater risk of infection.

Hospital-acquired Pneumonia Is Killing Patients. There’s a Simple Way To Stop It. — Hospital patients not getting their teeth brushed, or not brushing their teeth themselves, is believed to be a leading cause of hundreds of thousands of cases of pneumonia a year in patients who have not been put on a ventilator.

Study: SARS-CoV-2 Infection Risk Low for ED Staff Using Recommended Prevention Practices — A study served as yet another reminder of the importance of ensuring healthcare staff always have the PPE they need and understand how to follow appropriate infection control and prevention measures.

Terminal Cleaning, Including UV Sterilization, Effectiveness in Mitigating Pathogen Transmission — An HAI study drew two noteworthy conclusions: 1) Inadequate terminal room cleaning may be an environmental source of pathogen transmission and 2) Adjunct UV-C disinfection does not provide incremental value in reducing transfer of multidrug-resistant organisms above and beyond standard of care.

CMS Doubles Down: Surveyors Do Not Have to Be COVID Vaccinated — CMS said that state surveyors do not need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to enter any nursing home.

The Role of Health Care Laundry in Infection Prevention — A column outlined the safety importance of and processes for ensuring soiled healthcare linen is always appropriately contained, transported, cleaned, and stored.

Data-Sharing Initiative Aims to Help Fight Against Antibiotic Resistance — A new data-sharing effort could help unlock information that may mitigate the worst aspects of drug-resistant infections.