Infection Control Consulting Services

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Study: Patients Who Experience Joint Infection 3X More Likely to Suffer Future Infection

The results of a new study show that patients who experience a prosthetic joint infection following primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA) or total hip arthroplasty (THA) are at three times higher risk of suffering another such infection if they undergo another TKA.

The study, published in The Bone and Joint Journal and conducted by researchers from Mayo Clinic, examined 95 patients (undergoing 102 primary TKAs) who were treated between 2000 and 2014 and had a history of prosthetic joint infection in another TKA or THA. Of these patients, 27% were on chronic antibiotic suppression. 

In addition to identifying the three-fold higher risk of prosthetic joint infection, researchers found that the risk was 15 times higher for those patients on chronic antibiotic suppression.

Infection Control Consulting Services (ICCS) has experienced an increase in the number of requests to conduct observations at facilities that perform prosthetic joint replacement surgeries because of concerns about or reports of infections attributable to various organisms. Our highly skilled team of certified infection control consultants works with the surgical staff of these organizations, including surgeons, to determine likely causes and implement mitigation strategies.

Joint infections are complex, and it takes a team approach to conduct an in-depth workup. At times, the potential cause(s) is not obvious and there are often several factors that play a role in joint infections. We can proudly report that we have had tremendous success with assisting in the reduction or elimination of joint infections, particularly when we are able to determine what processes and/or products, devices and equipment contribute to the infections.